


Flow Computersand Terminal Management System

At Flowsis we distribute solutions under the brand name Toptech Systems, a global company dedicated to streamlining data management and bringing efficiency from the load rack to the administrative office through automation software and presets.

TOPTECH Systems solutions we offer

We provide products that improve results, provide better communication and access to data, and enhanced ability to deliver excellent service to your customers.

Terminal Management Systems

Take terminal management to a whole new level, offering a significant increase in productivity, an easy-to-use interface, superior security and simple one-button updates. With TOPTECH System TMS you can handle a variety of terminal applications, including unlimited drivers, carriers and customers.

Flow Computers

These flow computers work in standalone mode or connected to wifi to send transaction information directly to TMS or most other terminal automation systems. They boast almost unlimited flexibility, durability and easy maintenance.


Terminal Management Systems

Flow Computers

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